Xpeedin Surf is part of the history of surfing in Spain. Since its foundation, in 1977, by Zalo Campa and Laura Revuelta, two of the pioneers of surfing in Spain, there have been numerous generations of surfers in Somo and Cantabria, who have grown and evolved around Xpeedin, at the same time as surfing. and surf culture have.
Xpeedin Surf is currently run by Nacho García, a local surfer from Somo beach, who was part of that generation of surfers who grew up inside the surf shop,

Dreaming of stories about surftrips, deserted waves, surf magazines and absorbing all that surf culture, after traveling around the world in search of those dream waves, continue to keep the legacy alive. A team that loves surfing and an ideal place to breathe surfing.
Two generations of surfers and the same story, which is undoubtedly linked to the history of surfing in Cantabria, in Spain and perhaps to your own surfing history.
By Laura Revuelta
At the end of the summer of 1977, Gerónimo-Surfboards ended. Mariam and Iñigo (Pukas) and Zalo and Laura (Xpeedin’), start their new projects. Xpeedin’, sets up his board workshop in a village house, where the work tables were the mangers of the stable. In the haystack, living with field mice and owls, there was a curious shop-workshop, where table covers, inventions, backpacks, bikinis, necklaces… and little else were made. At this time, construction began, a building on the beach, in Somo and XPEEDIN’ SURF SHOP started, these three words were already rare at that time…..
The day it was “inaugurated”, it was simply taking things from the workshop to the store, and leaving the door open. Clients had to be made little by little. We were in no rush.

To access the store, you had to cross a plank, to save the hole that was in front of the door. The building was unfinished… the “street” undeveloped… (it was all sand) and there was no electricity or water.
Jethro Tull, Santana, Led Zeppelin played on a cassette radio connected to a car battery…. Crosby Stills Nash and Young… and… shortly after it began to play… a certain Bob Marley, who is still going on… The first summer, we spent without light, with a Camping Gas lantern… so sunny days were even better received. The telephone arrived a few years later.
It was incredible… without advertising and with those means, (now unthinkable) people came from Cádiz or Galicia…. to buy a board and an invention, he knew the store, surfed and agreed to come back another summer… and so little by little the story is being written… not that of Xpeedin’ but that of each person who visited us and later remembered having bought his first board… having participated in a championship for the first time…. having met the girl of his dreams… and so many stories…

Every year reforms and changes were made in the store, always in an artisanal way and with its own hallmark . Xpeedin’ was a meeting place… a club… a place to go to the beach… a place to sign up for a championship… or simply a place to chat… it never wanted to be just a store where you could buy technical equipment or comfortable clothes.

A Surf-Shop is a space where you are a surfer or not, when you visit us, you feel comfortable and you do not feel obligated to buy but just to learn a little more about the essence of surfing.
Xpeedin’, always took great care of its windows. Many children have left kilos of pipe shells… dreaming of the pictures of waves or maneuvers they saw… longing for the exposed suit… or board… or simply enjoying the colors and things so unknown… that they had to go in and ask what it was. There are many who now come with their children to show them the store and remember summers on the beach, sun and laughter. There are so many years… that some bring their grandchildren… From those mythical Xpeedin’ championships and from those children that Xpeedin’ saw born… The generational change arrived.
The essence is still alive, XPEEDIN’ is not a store, it’s a SURF SHOP………….. see you forever.
By Nacho Garcia
The history of XPEEDIN SURF SHOP, is linked to the history in the life of two of the best surfers that our land has ever produced; Zalo Campa and Laura Revuelta. Everyone knows the stories of the mythical Gerónimo, in San Sebastián, and Casa Lola, in Loredo… until, at the end of the 70s, they opened the first surf shop in Cantabria and a pioneer in Spain, which would help the progression of surfing from a whole generation, of which my brother Capi and I belong.

Xpeedin Surf Shop is located on the beachfront, in Somo and since its inception it has been a pioneering surf shop, with a very special “feeling”, which we have tried to preserve and maintain.
Zalo and Laura were in the surf shop for almost 30 years and I have been running it for more than 15 years, hoping to continue that same trajectory for another few decades and who knows, maybe my daughters will continue the legacy.
In the beginning, Zalo and Laura worked on everything, the screen printing of the clothes, which they copied from other brands, since there were no distributors then, the bikinis and costume jewelery that Laura worked on, in addition to all the Xpeedin clothes and all that heart that they put in the store, as always paid off. When we were little we freaked out every time our parents took us to Xpeedin and we always tried to get something out of them. Our first paipos, our first suits, our first boards, our first surfing clothes, everything happened there. For us, entering the store and listening to the stories of the elders was bringing our imagination to life. Sitting down to see the photos and see the boards, the first Black Xpressions, later the Pro Series and all the surfing magic that was breathed there was unforgettable.

Then there was the Xpeedin club and the championships they organized, which now that we do them, I value it even more…. and something that many people have forgotten is that there were no cars on Xpeedin street and what there was was a skate ramp, where we spent all day.

They were incredible years and over the years, we have had much more contact with Zalo and Laura and we have immense affection and affection for them, not only for passing on the Xpeedin legacy, but on a surfing, emotional, personal level. . Much of what happens today in surfing in Spain we owe to them and many other people, but in Somo, especially to them. They are 2 authentic people, much more hippie than they seem and I have a thousand good memories with the two of them in the water. They are 2 incredible surfers and many times it makes me angry that they have not been valued for their great merit and the number of doors that they have opened for many of us, both at the level of sponsorships, championships…. Talking about them is talking about the history of SURFING and my utmost respect for them.

In 1991 when my brother Capi set up the Cantabrian Surf School, Zalo and Laura helped him a lot and in some way fed back, because those first years, Capi took his students by the hand to his shop . Later, over the years, Capi also set up a small surf shop and the beginnings were hard, because Zalo and Laura worked with the best brands and it took many years until some brands began to serve them. Zalo and Capi were always head-on and I think that is why the relationship that the two families have maintained has always been very good. After a few years, the possibility of taking the direction of Xpeedin from their hands arose and it was something that I have always appreciated, because even though they had better offers, Zalo and Laura opted for me and I have always felt their support.
That respect and love that they put in the store, I think I have maintained and although some improvements and reforms have been made, the essence is still intact.
We continue to work on the Xpeedin Surf Shop brand, we continue to make the clothes, the Xpeedin Surfboards and we continue to work on everything, with the responsibility of a legacy and a torch of the history of surfing, which at the same time is our life. .
Many times when I see the children enter the store and I see their brightness when they see the photos, or when their parents roll up and buy them a board or a suit, they remind me of when I was little.

It is not about a simple business, for me it is much more spiritual than all that, it is about where we have been raised and cultivated as surfers, it is a small business, within a small town, but a big heart is put on, so that When people enter, they feel that they are in a magical place, which contains within it, a lot of the surfing history of this land, a lot of strength and we hope to continue as it has been up to now.
I never thought as a child that I would end up running the shop that enriched my dreams and my surfing illusions as a child, but now that the dream is a reality, I feel privileged, because it allows me to lead the life that I always sought to have, work near the beach, to be able to surf and have time for me, my family and my surfing.
Xpeedin Surf is part of the history of surfing in Spain, it is part of the life of Zalo and Laura, it has been part of our lives, it is now more than ever and it is part of all those who want to come and meet it. We are waiting for you all . Jah Bless U.
Xpeedin Surf has been committed to surfing since 1977 and during these more than 40 years of experience it has always been involved in holding national championships, holding some of the best national surfing events that are still remembered. Always supporting local surfers, through the Somo Surf Club, sponsoring surfers and promoting the basic sport of surfing, since its inception, on Somo beach, helping to make Somo the first surf reserve in Spain.
Xpeedin Surf began with the creation and customization of surfboards in 1977 and since then many people have trusted us with the board of their dreams.
In the photo- Zalo Campa, founder of Xpeedin Surf shaping an Xpeedin Surfboards, 70’s.
Our boards have been a reference during the last decades, with the manufacture of all kinds of boards, made to measure, personalized, customized… Boards made with love, quality and best of all, at very good prices. In addition, you will have the best advice, from surfers who have extensive experience and professionalism.
Shall we shape your new rocket?
Write us without obligation to info@xpeedinsurfschool.com or call us at (+34) 699063930 and we will start to shape your new board.
Imagine what you want and we will make you your next jewel.
Talking about Xpeedin is talking about the history of surfing in Spain. Founded in 1977 by two of the best surfers our land has produced, Zalo Campa and Laura Revuelta, its journey began with a small board workshop in the mythical Casa Lola de Loredo y la Gerónimo, in San Sebastián… until At the end of the 70’s they opened a pioneer shop in Spain, the first surf shop in Cantabria, which would help the surfing progression of many generations of surfers, of which Nacho Garcia, current director, belongs, who maintains its essence, legacy and living spirit.
“When I see the children enter the store and I see their brightness when they see the photos, or when their parents roll up and buy them a board or a suit, they remind me of me when I was little. For us Xpeedin is something spiritual, it is about where we have been raised and cultivated as surfers, within a small town, where our heart is, a magical place, which contains within it, much of the history of surfing in this land. I never thought as a child that I would end up running the shop that enriched my dreams and my surfing illusions as a child, but now that the dream is a reality, I feel privileged, because it allows me to lead the life that I always sought to have, work near the beach, to be able to surf and have time for me, my family and my surfing”
The word of mouth about Xpeedin little by little meant consolidating itself into something much bigger than a mere surf shop and surfers from all over Spain came to buy their boards. It was the epicenter of surfing in the area, an obligatory step to the beach, a kind of cultural center, with its club, its meetings, a good place to spend the afternoon reading magazines, imagining surftrips, watching videos, or in good company. This is how its history was written, that of people like you who perhaps bought your 1st board, paipo, neoprene or bikini… you played on the Skate ramp, or participated in its legendary championships… and now you come with your children. Maybe you met the girl of your dreams in Xpeedin, you were part of her Surf Team or Club, or you were sponsored… so many good stories that we have shared together.
If Xpeedin is more than just a surf shop. From Xpeedin we have always thought that a surf shop is a space where you are a surfer or not, when you visit us, you feel comfortable and you do not feel obligated to buy but just to know a little more about the essence of surfing.
Inside you will find everything related to the world of surfing, the best brands and you will have personalized advice. We have spent a lifetime committed to surfing. Surf shop and surf school, from surfers for surfers like you, who love surfing, know about surfing and respect the surf culture, in which their lives revolve.
From those mythical Xpeedin championships and from those children that Xpeedin saw born… the generational change arrived, but make no mistake… The essence is still alive.
Now you know a little more about our history. Xpeedin is not a store… it is SURFING. Welcome to Xpeedin Surf.